My two check-ins before I “risk it for the biscuit” (soundbite)

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Whether it’s marketing, business or life itself – if you want something, you owe it to yourself to go for it. Even when there’s some sort of risk involved. Playing it safe in your comfort zone doesn’t often lead to those big wins!

Our time on this big blue ball is painfully short. When we say you owe it to yourself to chase those dreams, we mean it! But how do you balance that risk with the trade-off of chasing whatever dreams you have?

This process is going to be different for everyone. We all have different goals + different tolerances for risk. However, here’s what Jade recommends.

First, ask yourself what’s the worst-case scenario if you chase this opportunity? Try not to be a drama queen about it but seriously consider the consequences if you do the thing + fail. Will you lose your house + a big chunk of your income? If so, maybe don’t bet everything on that move.

But if the cost for failure is a bit of egg on your face + you lose some time/money, maybe that’s worth the risk. After all, we learn way more from a failure than we do from success.

Secondly (+ maybe counterintuitively), trust yourself! Whatever your story, you’ve managed to make it this far, past more than a few obstacles I’m sure. Have a little faith that you CAN achieve your dreams, or that you can bounce back + maybe learn something if you do fail.

Bonus tip:

If you don’t trust yourself yet, borrow some of that belief from someone else. Hopefully you have a support network to lean on in times like this. If not, don’t be afraid to seek mentorship from someone in business.

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